Women of Strength Ministries

We are a community of women within Grateful Life Ministries dedicated to the purpose of spiritual mentorship. We are here to equip, encourage and empower other women to be healthy, growing and full of love in their new life with Christ.

Our goal is to operate as a scholarship fund to help women grow by learning how to walk in that new life, through different events and courses like Trauma Healing, Doula training, bible studies and community events.

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“A strong woman works out every day to keep her body in shape
but a woman of strength kneels in prayer to keep her soul in shape.

A strong woman isn’t afraid of anything
but a woman of strength shows courage in the midst of her fear.

A strong woman won’t let anyone get the best of her
but a woman of strength gives the best in what she does.

A strong woman makes mistakes and avoids the same in future
but a woman of strength realizes life’s mistakes can also be God’s blessings and capitalizes on them.

A strong woman walks sure footedly
but a woman of strength also knows God will catch her when she falls.

A strong woman wears the look of confidence on her face
but a woman of strength wears grace.

A strong woman has faith that she is strong enough for the journey
but a woman of strength has faith that it is in the journey that she will become strong.

Sharon Simani.